Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pray to Pray

How many of you can say you've mastered the discipline of prayer? Sometimes I feel like I'm going backwards rather then forward...not a good feeling. As you know, I've been more intentional about being in the Word (so far so good!) which has resulted in (1) an exposure of my sin (yuck!) and (2) a renewed passion for prayer (yay!). You hope that if you see more sin in your life your response is prayer! But now I'm faced with "how do I pray!?" I'm excited about this quest because I'm confident the Lord will show me. Stay tuned.
Pastor Eric had a one liner from his message on Sunday is really sticking with me this week as I'm focusing on prayer, "Stop trying harder and start looking harder." So that's it...I'm praying to pray because I know that it isn't based on how I try. I agree with Eric; prayer (or any spiritual matter) will be better integrated in our lives when we look more intently at the cross and meditate on what Jesus did for us...and how that plays out in our lives today. Have a I seen results yet? Yes. I went a few more hours then usual before loosing my mind with my kids yesterday. Anything is possible.

I want to leave you with this: take a few minutes and watch this video about prayer. I hope you find it as inspirational as I do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oYbsSISA8U

Praying, reading, blogging...all of this sanctification is making me tired! And keep the comments coming, sisters. It is good to hear from you and serves as a good reminder that we're all in it (that is, life) together.


PS: don't forget the Women's Luncheon is this Saturday at 11am. I promise you'll enjoy it! RSVP to womensministry@moodychurch.org.

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